# WWWOFFLE - World Wide Web Offline Explorer - Version 2.9j.
# WWWOFFLE Configuration file CONFDIR/wwwoffle.conf
# Example configuration file Copyright 1997-2016, 2019 Andrew M. Bishop.
# They may be distributed under the GNU Public License, version 2, or
# any higher version. See section COPYING of the GNU Public license
# for conditions under which this file may be redistributed.
bind-ipv4 =
bind-ipv6 = ::
http-port = 8080
https-port = 8443
wwwoffle-port = 8081
spool-dir = SPOOLDIR
#run-uid = daemon
#run-gid = daemon
use-syslog = yes
password = none
max-servers = 8
max-fetch-servers = 4
log-level = important
socket-timeout = 120
dns-timeout = 60
connect-timeout = 30
connect-retry = no
dir-perm = 0755
file-perm = 0644
lock-files = no
reply-compressed-data = no
reply-chunked-data = yes
#exec-cgi = /local/cgi-bin/*
#exec-cgi = /local/*.cgi
pragma-no-cache = yes
cache-control-no-cache = yes
cache-control-max-age-0 = yes
request-changed = 10m
request-changed-once = yes
request-expired = no
request-no-cache = no
request-redirection = no
request-conditional = yes
validate-with-etag = yes
try-without-password = yes
intr-download-keep = no
intr-download-size = 1
intr-download-percent = 80
timeout-download-keep = no
keep-cache-if-not-found = no
request-compressed-data = yes
request-chunked-data = yes
pragma-no-cache = yes
cache-control-no-cache = yes
cache-control-max-age-0 = yes
confirm-requests = no
#### Example ####
# Dont request any URLs at all when offline.
# <*://*/*> dont-request = yes
enable-caching = no
#allow-tunnel = *:443
stylesheets = yes
images = yes
frames = yes
iframes = yes
scripts = no
objects = no
webbug-images = yes
srcset-images = yes
icon-images = no
only-same-host-images = no
create-history-indexes = yes
cycle-indexes-daily = no
#### Example ####
# Do index files from /good/ in the barfoo.com domain.
# <*://*.barfoo.com/good/*> list-any = yes
# Don't index any hosts in the barfoo.com domain.
# <*://*.barfoo.com> list-any = no
# Don't index any gif or jpg files in the lasttime index.
# <*://*/*.gif> list-latest = no
# <*://*/*.jpg> list-latest = no
enable-modify-html = no
add-cache-info = no
#anchor-cached-begin =
#anchor-cached-end =
#anchor-requested-begin =
#anchor-requested-end =
#anchor-not-cached-begin =
#anchor-not-cached-end =
disable-script = no
disable-applet = no
disable-style = no
disable-blink = no
disable-marquee = no
disable-flash = no
disable-meta-refresh = no
disable-meta-refresh-self = no
disable-meta-set-cookie = no
disable-dontget-links = no
replace-dontget-images = no
replacement-dontget-image = /local/dontget/replacement.gif
disable-dontget-iframes = no
replace-webbug-images = no
replacement-webbug-image = /local/dontget/replacement.gif
demoronise-ms-chars = no
fix-mixed-cyrillic = no
disable-animated-gif = no
#### Example ####
# The server is on www.foo.com, with IP address
# www.foo.com
#### Example ####
# The local domain is foo.com so don't cache any hosts in it.
# *.foo.com
#### Example ####
# Only allow connections from hosts in the foo.com domain.
# *.foo.com
#### Example ####
# Only allow connections from this one user.
# andrew:password
#### Example ####
# Do cache files from /good/ in the barfoo.com domain.
# !*://*.barfoo.com/good/*
# Don't cache any hosts in the barfoo.com domain.
# *://*.barfoo.com
# Don't cache any gzipped or tar files.
# *://*/*.gz
# *://*/*.tar
# Don't cache any files from /volatile in the foo.com domain.
# *://*.foo.com/volatile/*
location-error = no
# <*://*/*.gif> replacement = /local/dontget/replacement.gif
# <*://*/*.png> replacement = /local/dontget/replacement.png
# <*://*/*.js> replacement = /local/dontget/replacement.js
# replacement = /local/dontget/replacement.gif
#### Example ####
# Do get files from /good/ in the barfoo.com domain.
# !*://*.barfoo.com/good/*
# Don't get from any hosts in the barfoo.com domain.
# *://*.barfoo.com
# Don't get any gzipped or tar files.
# *://*/*.gz
# *://*/*.tar
# Don't get any files from /adverts/ in the foo.com domain.
# *://*.foo.com/adverts/*
# Dont get any gzipped or tar files when getting recursively.
# <*://*/*.gz> get-recursive = no
# <*://*/*.tar> get-recursive = no
mime-type = image/gif
mime-type = image/jpeg
mime-type = image/png
mime-type = image/tiff
mime-type = video/x-msvideo
mime-type = video/quicktime
mime-type = video/mpeg
mime-type = audio/basic
mime-type = audio/x-wav
mime-type = application/x-dvi
mime-type = application/pdf
mime-type = application/zip
mime-type = application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig
file-ext = .gz
file-ext = .bz
file-ext = .bz2
file-ext = .Z
file-ext = .zip
file-ext = .tgz
file-ext = .rpm
file-ext = .deb
file-ext = .gif
file-ext = .GIF
file-ext = .jpg
file-ext = .JPG
file-ext = .jpeg
file-ext = .JPEG
file-ext = .png
file-ext = .PNG
referer-self = no
referer-self-dir = no
referer-from = no
force-user-agent = no
pass-url-unchanged = no
### Example ###
# Don't send the username.
# From = yes
# Don't accept Cookies
# Set-Cookie = yes
# Don't send Cookies back
# Cookie = yes
# Lie about the Browser type.
# User-Agent = WWWOFFLE/2.8
anon-username = anonymous
#anon-password =
default = text/plain
.Z = application/x-compress
.au = audio/basic
.avi = video/x-msvideo
.class = application/java
.cpio = application/x-cpio
.css = text/css
.deb = application/octet-stream
.dtd = application/xml
.dvi = application/x-dvi
.eps = application/postscript
.gif = image/gif
.gz = application/x-gzip
.htm = text/html
.html = text/html
.jpeg = image/jpeg
.jpg = image/jpeg
.js = application/x-javascript
.latex = application/x-latex
.man = application/x-troff-man
.me = application/x-troff-me
.mov = video/quicktime
.mpeg = video/mpeg
.mpg = video/mpeg
.ms = application/x-troff-ms
.pac = application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig
.pbm = image/x-portable-bitmap
.pdf = application/pdf
.pem = application/x-x509-ca-cert
.pgm = image/x-portable-graymap
.png = image/png
.pnm = image/x-portable-anymap
.ppm = image/x-portable-pixmap
.ps = application/postscript
.ras = image/x-cmu-raster
.rgb = image/x-rgb
.rpm = application/octet-stream
.rtf = application/rtf
.snd = audio/basic
.tar = application/x-tar
.tcl = application/x-tcl
.tex = application/x-tex
.texi = application/x-texinfo
.texinfo = application/x-texinfo
.tif = image/tiff
.tiff = image/tiff
.tr = application/x-troff
.txt = text/plain
.vr = model/vrml
.wav = audio/x-wav
.wrl = model/vrml
.xbm = image/x-xbitmap
.xml = application/xml
.xpm = image/x-xpixmap
.xwd = image/x-xwindowdump
.zip = application/zip
.exe = application/octet-stream
proxy = none
#### Example ####
# Use www.foo.com as a default http proxy server on port 8080
# Except for the foo.com domain which has no proxy.
# proxy = www.foo.com:8080
# <*://foo.com> proxy = none
#### Example ####
# The http server www.bar.com is mirrored locally at www.bar-mirror.foo.com
# http://www.bar.com/ = http://www.bar-mirror.foo.com/
# The wwwoffle homepage can be aliased
# http://wwwoffle/ = http://www.gedanken.org.uk/software/wwwoffle/
use-mtime = no
max-size = -1
min-free = -1
use-url = no
del-dontget = yes
del-dontcache = yes
age = 4w
compress-age = -1
#### Example ####
# Expire hosts in the domain foo.com at 1 week except bar.foo.com at 2 weeks.
# <*://bar.foo.com> age = 2w
# <*://foo.com> age = 1w
# Never keep anything in the domain bar.com except foo.bar.com is always kept.
# <*://foo.bar.com> age = -1
# <*://bar.com> age = 0
# Keep ftp files for 2 weeks.
# age = 2w
# The default age must come after the specific ones.
# age = 4w
# Purge files to keep the cache below 100 MB
# max-size = 100